Sunday, April 18, 2010

Visual C++ appears to be VERY alive and well in Microsoft’s Visual Studio 2010

Visual C++ appears to be VERY alive and well in Microsoft’s Visual Studio 2010
I was amazed when I learned the amount of enhancement for Visual C++ versus Visual C# 2010. It was at least double as compared to C#. Does this mean that C++ is not going anywhere soon? It seems not as many companies and industries are heavily reliant on the programming languages. This of course include financial (for quantified analysis), game development, digital signal processing, etc. Let’s take a look what has been added to this 2010 version of Microsoft’s Visual Studio 2010:
1. You can the Lambda function by itself, as a template function, or with the auto keyword to declare a variable where it is a lambda.
2. There is now rvalue reference declaratory (&&) declare a reference to rvalue. This allows to write forwarding to developer more efficient constructors, functions, and templates.
3. Static_assert now tests assertions at compile time instead at run time. If the compilation asserts fails, it will fail at compile time.
4. nullptr and _nullptr is a native keywords that allows you to test if an object handle, interior pointer or native pointer does not point an object. This option can be intermingled with the compiler’s /clr switch. Remember this is a Microsoft keywords so it cannot transported to other operating system platforms.
5. The new pragma directive detect_mismatch lets you tag in your vile that is compared to other tags that have the same name. If there are multiple values, the linker will issue an error.
The above are compiler and linker related. As for Visual C++ projects and the build system, Microsoft has replaced MSBuild with VCBuild. This enables to match the XML file format with other Visual Studio languages as opposed to Visual C++ being unique. Any other older project can be converted to this format as well. Also, _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL allows debugging support for iterators instead of using the older _SECURE_SCL and _HAS_ITERARTOR_DEBUGGING macros. There are so many more enhancements in the Visual C++ libraries including the Standard, Microsoft Foundation Class Library, the IDE, and further tools.
Check for more info.

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