Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Essential STL (Standard Template Library) from Scott Meyers is one of those books to enhance your C++ job interview opportunities

The Essential STL (Standard Template Library) from Scott Meyers is one of those books to enhance your C++ job interview opportunities
Among a series of books I have delved into, this one was definite recommendation for those either updating their C++ skill level or just wanting to know the Stanard Template to understand the detailed level of the Standard Template Library. As I am part of the crucial Quant groups on Linked In, I have come across so many job descriptions not just wanting you to have knowledge in the C++ native language but also STL. This has proven to be a very important element in your C++ development. I must say, this book has introduced me to important facts I never knew about C++.
The book is broken down into very critical sections if you really want a clear shot of being successful in any C++ interviews. There is a very sexton on the different type of containers you will need to understand to become a very success quant trader or quant developer. There is another detailed chapter on vectors and string alone. There are your friends when it comes to quick number crunching as you go up against millions of elements from live market data feeds like Bloomberg or Reuters. Another section which few developers seem to misunderstand is about iterators within those containers. There is also a section which will introduce you to the concept of using algorithms instead of rolling your own. This of course to give full analysis of what optimized code to write versus code which may have unneeded extra steps? One of the most confusing (and also most asked C++ questions during interviews) is about Functors, Functor Classes, Functions and so. Always make sure if you have a solid grasp before you allows yourself to be peppered by technical interview on these C++ topics. As you can tell, Scott Meyers has most likely given it his all to write a book with so much detail on this underestimated library called Standard Template Library.

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