Sunday, April 18, 2010

Is this the ultimate Bit Torrent Complete Collection for Quant practioners?

Is this the ultimate Bit Torrent Complete Collection for Quant practioners?
Here is a complete Quant collection of documents which could be critical for your success in the field. I am not sure if these documents are proprietary or commercial. Below is the list which indicated a variety of topics from introdocuctory on different type of models to more advanced topics. I do believe this could one of those goldmine discoveries you come across in a lucky way. I found this collection on and then used utorrrent from which is a Bit Torrent client for downloading torrent files. Do a search for Quant and you should find it. As you look at the list of documents, you will find all financial and academic institutions represented. Some of these may be old from take oven or bankrupt banks, but who cares, it is the knowledge you are after right? Check out the list below:

17/04/2010 03:44 PM 774,126 [ABN-AMRO] A Breathrough in Synthetic Credit Investments.pdf
17/04/2010 03:29 PM 36,004 [Adelson & Jacob Consulting] The Need to See Past the Data.pdf
17/04/2010 04:07 PM 858,140 [Advances in Futures and Options Research, Barone-Adesi] On the Valuation of American Put Options on Dividend-Paying Stocks.pdf
17/04/2010 04:12 PM 361,432 [Agder University College, Koekebakker] Electricity Term Structure Modelling.pdf
17/04/2010 03:53 PM 164,284 [Aite Group] Trends in OTC Equity Derivatives - Where do we go from here.pdf
17/04/2010 04:09 PM 482,816 [Amen] Introduction To Foreign Exchange.ppt
17/04/2010 03:35 PM 801,330 [Andrew Davidson & Co] An Implied Prepayment Model for MBS.pdf
17/04/2010 04:09 PM 379,655 [Andrew Davidson & Co] Divide and Conquer - Exploring New OAS Horizons.pdf
17/04/2010 03:56 PM 191,893 [Andrew Davidson & Co] Fixed-Rate Agency MBS Prepayments and Model Enhancements.pdf
17/04/2010 04:08 PM 276,788 [Andrew Davidson & Co] Interest Rate Modeling - A Conscientious Choice.pdf
17/04/2010 03:40 PM 374,476 [Andrew Davidson & Co] LOANDYNAMICS - AD&CO's Approach to Modeling Credit Risk.pdf
17/04/2010 04:05 PM 790,911 [Andrew Davidson & Co] The Relationship Between the Yield Curve and Mortgage Current Coupon.pdf
17/04/2010 04:11 PM 6,265,941 [Applied Mathematical Finance, Chung] Pricing Quanto Equity Swaps in a Stochastic Interest Rate Economy.pdf
17/04/2010 04:12 PM 734,588 [Applied Mathematical Finance, Hagan] Interpolation Methods for Curve Construction.pdf
17/04/2010 03:38 PM 449,763 [Applied Mathematical Finance, West] Calibration of the SABR Model in Illiquid Markets.pdf
17/04/2010 03:57 PM 270,149 [Applied Spectroscopy, Lodder] Quantile Analysis - A Method for Characterizing Data Distributions.pdf
17/04/2010 04:06 PM 98,018 [ASX Australian Exchange] A Guide to the Pricing Conventions of SFE Interest Rate Products.pdf
17/04/2010 04:14 PM 5,267,007 [AVT] Initial Estimating and Refining Volatility.pdf
17/04/2010 04:14 PM 1,098,398 [AXA Investment] Why the Implied Correlation of Dispersion Has to be Higher Than the Correlation Swap Strike.pdf
17/04/2010 04:07 PM 2,118,454 [Bae] Managing Global Financial Risk Using Currency Futures and Currency Options.pdf
17/04/2010 03:57 PM 316,225 [Bank of America, Andersen] Efficient Simulation of the Heston Stochastic Volatility Model.pdf
17/04/2010 03:59 PM 459,361 [Bank of America-Merrill Lynch] The Big Bang - A Guide to the Standardized CDS Contract.pdf
17/04/2010 03:56 PM 803,810 [Bank of America] An Introduction to Agency MBS Derivatives.pdf
17/04/2010 04:00 PM 141,572 [Bank of America] Credit Strategy - Monolines - A Potential CDS Settlement Disaster.pdf
17/04/2010 03:56 PM 164,508 [Bank of America] Fixed-Rate IO Mortgages.pdf
17/04/2010 03:50 PM 463,397 [Bank of America] Guide to Credit Default Swaptions.pdf
17/04/2010 03:47 PM 340,671 [Bank of America] Hybrid ARM MBS - Valuation and Risk Measures.pdf
17/04/2010 04:02 PM 671,660 [Bank of America] Introduction to Agency CMO Structures.pdf
17/04/2010 03:51 PM 107,982 [Bank of America] Introduction to Cross Currency Swaps.pdf
17/04/2010 03:29 PM 27,361 [Bank of America] Option Prices Imply a Dividend Yield - Examining Recent Trading in JPM.pdf
17/04/2010 04:10 PM 1,092,687 [Bank of America] Outlook for the RMBS Market in 2007.pdf
17/04/2010 03:52 PM 392,812 [Bank of America] Prepayments on Agency Hybrid ARM MBS.pdf
17/04/2010 04:10 PM 672,431 [Bank of America] Pricing Mortgage-back Securities.pdf
17/04/2010 03:59 PM 423,945 [Bank of America] Residential Mortgages - Prepayments and Prepayment Modeling.pdf
17/04/2010 04:03 PM 417,447 [Bank of America] The Agency ARM MBS Sector.pdf
17/04/2010 04:05 PM 378,502 [Bank of America] Trust IO-PO Market.pdf
17/04/2010 04:12 PM 502,008 [Bank of America] Understanding Mortgage Dollar Rolls.pdf
17/04/2010 04:12 PM 501,380 [Bank of Canada, Bolder] Yield Curve Modelling at the Bank of Canada.pdf
17/04/2010 03:28 PM 452,762 [Bank of Canada, Ron] A Practical Guide to Swap Curve Construction.pdf
17/04/2010 04:10 PM 867,895 [Barclays] BESA South Africa Government Inflation-linked Bond Index Guide.pdf
17/04/2010 04:06 PM 3,312,619 [Barclays] CDS Curve Trading Handbook 2008.pdf
17/04/2010 04:01 PM 684,918 [Barclays] Convertible Bonds - A Technical Introduction.pdf
17/04/2010 04:09 PM 751,805 [Barclays] Correlation Modelling - From Vanilla to Exotic.pdf
17/04/2010 04:13 PM 988,447 [Barclays] Dividend Swap Indices - Access to Equity Income Streams Made Easy.pdf
17/04/2010 04:08 PM 597,981 [Barclays] European Alpha Anticipator - Decoding the Fed and Monolines.pdf
17/04/2010 03:28 PM 197,427 [Barclays] Forward Starting Equity.pdf
17/04/2010 04:08 PM 1,318,365 [Barclays] Global Inflation-Linked Products - A User's Guide.pdf
17/04/2010 03:55 PM 1,537,183 [Barclays] Inflation Derivatives - A User's Guide.pdf
17/04/2010 04:05 PM 604,994 [Barclays] The Barclays Capital Guide to Cash Flow Collaterialized Debt Obligations .pdf
17/04/2010 04:09 PM 1,282,578 [Barra] Global Equity - Risk Model Handbook.pdf
17/04/2010 03:36 PM 443,814 [Barra] Single Country Equity - Risk Model Handbook.pdf
17/04/2010 04:11 PM 972,501 [Bear Stearns] Across the Curve in Rates and Structured Products and Across the Grade in Credit Products Outlook 2007.pdf
17/04/2010 04:09 PM 1,124,468 [Bear Stearns] Bear Stearns Quick Guide to Non-Agency Mortgage-Back Securities.pdf
17/04/2010 04:15 PM 1,469,760 [Bear Stearns] Introduction to Asset-Backed CDS.pdf
17/04/2010 04:01 PM 318,301 [Bear Stearns] RMBS Residuals - A Primer.pdf
17/04/2010 03:29 PM 42,272 [Bear Stearns] S&P 500 Index Variance - Buying Earnings Volatility.pdf
17/04/2010 04:00 PM 238,973 [Bear Stearns] The Outlook for Fixed Income 2007.pdf
17/04/2010 04:06 PM 98,789 [Bear Stearns] Understanding CMO Toggle Floaters.pdf
17/04/2010 03:28 PM 130,733 [Bear Stearns] Variance Swaps - An Introduction.pdf
17/04/2010 04:16 PM 262,307 [Benth] Analytical Approximation for the Price Dynamics of Spark Spread Options.pdf
17/04/2010 03:42 PM 442,897 [Bloomberg Magazine, Berger] Modeling Future Interest Rates - Taming the Unknownable.pdf
17/04/2010 03:56 PM 732,486 [Bloomberg Magazine, Carr] The Innovator.pdf
17/04/2010 03:57 PM 316,245 [Bloomberg Magazine, Carr] The Value of Volatiliity.pdf
17/04/2010 03:32 PM 192,257 [Bloomberg, Baver] Variance Gamma Option Model.pdf
17/04/2010 03:25 PM 196,307 [Bloomberg, Berger] Modeling Interest Rates - Fundamental Issues.pdf
17/04/2010 03:46 PM 188,490 [Bloomberg, Berger] Stochastic Interest Rates - A Crucial Correlation.pdf
17/04/2010 04:16 PM 262,805 [Bloomberg, Carr] Hedging Variance Options on Continuous Semimartingales.pdf
17/04/2010 03:47 PM 1,605,632 [Bloomberg, Dupire] Modelling Volatility Skews.ppt
17/04/2010 03:58 PM 1,070,107 [Bloomberg, Konikov] Basket Default Swaps.pdf
17/04/2010 04:12 PM 360,394 [Bloomberg, Stein] FX Market Behavior and Valuation.pdf
17/04/2010 03:57 PM 1,995,997 [Bloomberg, Stein] Mortgage Backed Valuation.pdf
17/04/2010 03:54 PM 703,408 [Bloomberg, Stein] Valuation of Exotic Interest Rate Derivatives - Bermudans and Range Accruals.pdf
17/04/2010 04:09 PM 205,782 [Bloomberg, Yekutieli] Implementation of the Hestom Model for the Pricing of FX Options.pdf
17/04/2010 04:11 PM 2,786,802 [Bloomberg] Credit Default Swaps.pdf
17/04/2010 03:56 PM 265,006 [BNP Paribas, Atlan] Hybrid Equity-Credit Modelling.pdf
17/04/2010 04:13 PM 1,712,153 [BNP Paribas] Conditions et tarifs - Produits et services pour les particuliers.pdf
17/04/2010 04:16 PM 149,143 [BNP Paribas] Corridor Variance Swaps - A Cheaper Way to Buy Volatility.pdf
17/04/2010 03:51 PM 126,210 [BNP Paribas] DivDax. Trade 2009-2010 dividend swap.pdf
17/04/2010 04:08 PM 370,810 [BNP Paribas] European Volatility Tracker - Feb 2006.pdf
17/04/2010 03:58 PM 831,632 [BNP Paribas] Guide to Structured Products.pdf
17/04/2010 03:33 PM 539,858 [BNP Paribas] Index Variance Arbitrage.pdf
17/04/2010 03:57 PM 390,684 [BNP Paribas] Inflation Linked Bond Markets - 2009 Real Rate & Curve Modeling.pdf
17/04/2010 04:06 PM 2,165,052 [BNP Paribas] Produits Derives - Change, Taux et Actions.pdf
17/04/2010 03:53 PM 159,226 [BNP Paribas] Quantitative Option Strategy.pdf
17/04/2010 03:54 PM 226,959 [BNP Paribas] Smile Trading.pdf
17/04/2010 04:02 PM 940,529 [BNP Paribas] Structured Retail Products.pdf
17/04/2010 04:16 PM 153,913 [BNP Paribas] The Bermuda Triangle of Super Senior Risk.pdf
17/04/2010 04:13 PM 4,992,281 [BNP Paribas] The High Yield Handbook, Part 1.pdf
17/04/2010 04:15 PM 4,677,265 [BNP Paribas] The High Yield Handbook, Part 2.pdf
17/04/2010 04:12 PM 336,240 [BNP Paribas] Understanding Credit Derivatives Vol. 1 - Market Overview.pdf
17/04/2010 03:41 PM 424,851 [BNP Paribas] Understanding Credit Derivatives Vol. 2 - CDS Basics.pdf
17/04/2010 03:57 PM 509,689 [BNP Paribas] Understanding Credit Derivatives Vol. 4 - CDS Pricing.pdf
17/04/2010 03:49 PM 563,107 [BNP Paribas] Understanding Credit Derivatives Vol. 5 - First-to-Default Baskets.pdf
17/04/2010 03:46 PM 517,030 [BNP Paribas] US Index Option Strategies.pdf
17/04/2010 03:46 PM 718,755 [BNP Paribas] Volatility Investing Handbook.pdf
17/04/2010 04:00 PM 135,472 [BNP Paribas] What Future for Dividends in Europe.pdf
17/04/2010 03:55 PM 154,612 [Bond Exchange of South Africa] Bond Pricing Formula - Specifications.pdf
17/04/2010 04:11 PM 714,699 [Bond Market Association] An Analysis and Description of Pricing and Information Sources in the Securitized and Structured Finance Markets.pdf
17/04/2010 03:54 PM 394,662 [Booz Allen Hamilton] The M&A Collar Handbook - How to Manage Equity Risk.pdf
17/04/2010 03:42 PM 376,587 [Borak] FFT Based Option Pricing.pdf
17/04/2010 04:01 PM 184,134 [Borovkova] Analysis and Modelling of Electricity Futures Prices.pdf
17/04/2010 04:15 PM 2,118,454 [Bowling Green State University, Bae] Managing Global Financial Risk Using Currency Futures and Currency Options.pdf
17/04/2010 03:54 PM 298,350 [CARR Futures, Burghardt] The Convexity Bias in Eurodollar Futures.pdf
17/04/2010 03:58 PM 203,314 [Carr Futures, Panos] Trading the Unemployment Report.pdf
17/04/2010 04:07 PM 727,163 [CBOT] CBOT Electricity Futures and Options Reference and Applications Guide.pdf
17/04/2010 04:09 PM 396,968 [CBOT] CBOT Soybean Crush Reference Guide.pdf
17/04/2010 03:42 PM 376,452 [Center for Futures Education] The Fundamentals and Techniques of Trading Commodity Spreads.pdf
17/04/2010 03:29 PM 27,769 [CFA Institute] Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS) - Corrections.pdf
17/04/2010 03:55 PM 802,397 [CFA Institute] Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS).pdf
17/04/2010 03:56 PM 164,977 [Chris] Market Risk for Volatility and Variance Swaps.pdf
17/04/2010 03:49 PM 349,515 [Citibank] A General Review of CDO Valuation Methods.pdf
17/04/2010 04:09 PM 549,452 [Citibank] Convertible Bonds - A Guide.pdf
17/04/2010 03:27 PM 221,503 [Citibank] Correlation Trading Strategies.pdf
17/04/2010 03:43 PM 516,912 [Citibank] CPDOs - The New Best Seller.pdf
17/04/2010 03:49 PM 349,515 [Citibank] General Review of CDO Valuation Methods.pdf
17/04/2010 04:13 PM 1,033,348 [Citibank] Guide to Mortgage-Back Securities.pdf
17/04/2010 03:35 PM 182,618 [Citibank] Index-Linked Investment Products.pdf
17/04/2010 04:14 PM 1,984,683 [Citibank] Interest Rates Workbook.pdf
17/04/2010 04:05 PM 792,016 [Citibank] Introducing the Experimental Prepayment Model.pdf
17/04/2010 04:01 PM 1,514,170 [Citibank] Latin America Training and Development Center - Asset Backed Finance.pdf
17/04/2010 03:54 PM 1,617,063 [Citibank] Latin America Training and Development Center - Basic Corporate Finance.pdf
17/04/2010 04:09 PM 1,140,284 [Citibank] Latin America Training and Development Center - Basic Treasury.pdf
17/04/2010 04:14 PM 1,822,199 [Citibank] Latin America Training and Development Center - Basics of Trade Services and Trade Finance.pdf
17/04/2010 04:04 PM 980,910 [Citibank] Latin America Training and Development Center - Debt Financing.pdf
17/04/2010 04:12 PM 706,857 [Citibank] Latin America Training and Development Center - Equity Financing.pdf
17/04/2010 04:13 PM 1,664,727 [Citibank] Latin America Training and Development Center - Financial Statement Analysis.pdf
17/04/2010 04:10 PM 1,864,150 [Citibank] Latin America Training and Development Center - Futures.pdf
17/04/2010 04:13 PM 1,036,072 [Citibank] Latin America Training and Development Center - Interest Rates.pdf
17/04/2010 04:12 PM 957,648 [Citibank] Latin America Training and Development Center - Introduction to Risk Management.pdf
17/04/2010 04:15 PM 201,728 [Citibank] Mortgage Basics Overview.ppt
17/04/2010 04:09 PM 211,694 [Citibank] Total Rate of Return Indexes - April 2005 Performance.pdf
17/04/2010 03:32 PM 133,385 [Citibank] Using Asset Swap Spreads to Identify Goverment Bond Relative-Value.pdf
17/04/2010 03:42 PM 76,880 [Citibank] Valuing Fixed-Rate IO Mortgages.pdf
17/04/2010 04:06 PM 343,744 [City Credit Capital, Patten] An Introduction to Contracts for Difference.pdf
17/04/2010 03:36 PM 71,526 [CK Locke and Partners] CFD Trading Manual.pdf
17/04/2010 03:44 PM 771,676 [CME] Interest Rate Products - Advanced Topics.pdf
17/04/2010 04:03 PM 357,965 [Columbia University, Derman] Trading Volatility as an Asset Class.pdf
17/04/2010 04:13 PM 1,665,682 [Columbia University, Zhao] Bayesian Adaptive Portfolio Optimization.pdf
17/04/2010 03:36 PM 67,461 [Commodities Now, Sikorski] EU Emissions Trading - What Does It Mean for an Electricity Generator.pdf
17/04/2010 03:44 PM 355,373 [Computing, Spath] Exponential Spline Interpolation.pdf
17/04/2010 03:56 PM 124,600 [Convertible Bonds, Berger] Valuing Options on Dividend-Paying Stocks.pdf
17/04/2010 03:35 PM 176,875 [Copenhagen Business School, Nielsen] Dividends in the Theory of Derivative Securities Pricing.pdf
17/04/2010 03:36 PM 433,472 [Cotton] Stochastic Volatility Corrections for Interest Rate Derivatives.pdf
17/04/2010 03:50 PM 220,158 [Courant Institute, Carr] Trading Autocorrelation.pdf
17/04/2010 04:15 PM 245,839 [Courant Institute, Friz] Valuation of Volatility Derivatives as an Inverse Problem.pdf
17/04/2010 03:45 PM 543,821 [Creative Computing, Stineman] A Consistently Well-Behaved Method of Interpolation.pdf
17/04/2010 04:13 PM 3,056,875 [Credit Suisse] CFBS's Starter Kit for Non-Agency Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities.pdf
17/04/2010 04:12 PM 2,578,845 [Credit Suisse] Credit Portfolio Modeling Handbook.pdf
17/04/2010 04:11 PM 979,000 [Credit Suisse] Credit Suisse's Guide to Global Fixed Income Indices.pdf
17/04/2010 04:04 PM 1,111,050 [Credit Suisse] Fixed-Rate Alt-A MBS - Commonly Asked Questions Answered.pdf
17/04/2010 04:13 PM 990,433 [Credit Suisse] Institutional Considerations - The next move on the MBS 'chessboard'.pdf
17/04/2010 04:11 PM 1,525,586 [Credit Suisse] Institutional Considerations in the MBS Markets.pdf
17/04/2010 03:56 PM 820,386 [Credit Suisse] Option Market Feedback - What can the option markets tell investors and modelers.pdf
17/04/2010 04:01 PM 721,661 [CSMA] CMBS Total Rate of Return Swaps.pdf
17/04/2010 04:16 PM 16,079,972 [Damodaran On-line, Damodaran] Applied Corporate Finance, 2nd Ed.pdf
17/04/2010 03:48 PM 435,748 [DerivativeFitch] Considerations for Rating Commodities-Linked Credit Obligations.pdf
17/04/2010 03:47 PM 729,160 [DerivativeFitch] First Generation CPDO - Case Study on Performance and Ratings.pdf
17/04/2010 04:12 PM 4,507,451 [Derivatives Consulting Group] Introduction to Equity Derivatives.pdf
17/04/2010 04:11 PM 299,429 [Derivatives Strategy, Leib] The Art of Option Writing - August 2000.pdf
17/04/2010 03:34 PM 80,886 [Derivatives Week] Variance Swap Volatility and Option Strategies.pdf
17/04/2010 03:42 PM 292,061 [Deutsche Bank] Asset Valuation & Allocation Models.pdf
17/04/2010 03:29 PM 25,132 [Deutsche Bank] Credit Derivatives - Issues & Trends.pdf
17/04/2010 04:07 PM 384,319 [Deutsche Bank] Credit Derivatives and Structured Credit.pdf
17/04/2010 04:08 PM 169,343 [Deutsche Bank] Depositary Receipts Handbook.pdf
17/04/2010 03:51 PM 111,386 [Deutsche Bank] FAS 133 Amendments.pdf
17/04/2010 04:16 PM 147,561 [Deutsche Bank] High-Yield Credit Derivatives.pdf
17/04/2010 04:07 PM 653,712 [Deutsche Bank] Modeling Variance Swap Curves - Theory and Application.pdf
17/04/2010 03:54 PM 165,478 [Deutsche Bank] Pricing Exotic FX & Equity Derivatives.pdf
17/04/2010 04:03 PM 418,412 [Deutsche Bank] Quantitative Credit Strategy - Aug, 25 2006.pdf
17/04/2010 03:53 PM 160,561 [Deutsche Bank] The Arbitrage CDO Market.pdf
17/04/2010 03:43 PM 241,089 [Deutsche Borse Group] Guide to the Volatility Indices of Deutsche Borse.pdf
17/04/2010 03:38 PM 450,424 [Diko] Risk Premia in Electricity Forward Prices.pdf
17/04/2010 03:52 PM 393,786 [Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein] Structured Products Vicious Circle - How Structured Products Exaggerate Long-Dated Implied Volume Moves.pdf
17/04/2010 03:58 PM 849,371 [Dresdner Kleinwort, Bossu] A New Approach for Modelling and Pricing Correlation Swaps.pdf
17/04/2010 04:14 PM 991,979 [Dresdner Kleinwort, Bossu] Equity Correlation Swaps - A New Approach for Modelling & Pricing.pdf
17/04/2010 04:02 PM 1,087,191 [Dresdner Kleinwort, Bossu] Introduction to Volatility Trading and Variance Swaps.pdf
17/04/2010 03:57 PM 872,615 [Dresdner Kleinwort, Clark] Numerical Methods for Stochastic Volatility - Fourier Methods, PDEs and Monte Carlo.pdf
17/04/2010 03:49 PM 849,371 [Dresdner Kleinwort] A New Approach For Modeling and Pricing Correlation Swaps.pdf
17/04/2010 04:10 PM 5,406,643 [Dubai International Financial Centre] A Guide to Islamic Finance In or From the DIFC.pdf
17/04/2010 03:29 PM 13,420 [Duff & Phelps Credit Rating Co] DCR Rates Asian Diversified Funding Bond CBO.pdf
17/04/2010 03:29 PM 14,244 [Duff & Phelps Credit Rating Co] DCR Rates First-Ever Weather-Linked Notes.pdf
17/04/2010 03:42 PM 440,123 [Duff & Phelps Credit Rating Co] DCR's Criteria for Rating Cash Flow CDOs.pdf
17/04/2010 04:07 PM 2,147,482 [Econometrica, Cox] A Theory of the Term Structure of Interest Rates.pdf
17/04/2010 04:06 PM 2,181,301 [Econometrica, Heath] Bond Pricing and the Term Structure of Interest Rates - A New Methodology for Contingent Claims Valuation.pdf
17/04/2010 03:56 PM 1,282,574 [Econometrica, Phillips] Optimal Inference in Cointegrated Systems.pdf
17/04/2010 03:56 PM 116,810 [Economic Modeling, Johansen] Modelling of Cointegration in the Vector Autoregressive Model.pdf
17/04/2010 03:59 PM 483,700 [EDHEC Risk and Asset Management Research Centre] The Amaranth Collapse - What Happened and What Have We Learned Thus Far.pdf
17/04/2010 04:08 PM 274,388 [Egar Technology, Ioffe] Variance Swap Pricing.pdf
17/04/2010 04:01 PM 1,616,443 [Egar Technology] How to Extend Modern Portfolio Theory to Make Money from Trading Equity Options.pdf
17/04/2010 03:53 PM 160,049 [Egar Technology] Weather Derivatives.pdf
17/04/2010 03:56 PM 263,462 [Erasmus University, Hallerback] An Improved Estimator for Black-Scholes-Merton Implied Volatility.pdf
17/04/2010 03:49 PM 585,832 [Eurex] Interest Rate Derivatives - Fixed Income Trading Strategies.pdf
17/04/2010 04:11 PM 403,236 [Eurex] Volatility and its Measurements - The Design of a Volatility Index and the Execution of its Historical Time Series at the Deutsche Borse AG.pdf
17/04/2010 04:16 PM 919,947 [European Central Bank] The Euro Bond Market Study - December 2004.pdf
17/04/2010 03:46 PM 189,139 [European Securitisation Forum] European Securitisation - A Resource Guide.pdf
17/04/2010 04:01 PM 187,275 [FEA] Power Price Simulation using Hybrid Models.pdf
17/04/2010 04:12 PM 223,830 [FEA] Valuing Generation Assets and Tolling Agreements using the Power Sector Model.pdf
17/04/2010 04:10 PM 413,174 [Federal Reserve Bank of Alanta, Fern ndez-Villaverde] A, B, C's (and D's) for Understanding VARs.pdf
17/04/2010 03:57 PM 272,335 [Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago] Structured Notes.pdf
17/04/2010 04:15 PM 59,565 [Federal Reserve Bank of Clevland, Haubrich] Swaps and the Swaps Yield Curve.pdf
17/04/2010 04:14 PM 307,713 [Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Fernald] The Pricing and Hedging of Index Amortizing Rate Swaps.pdf
17/04/2010 04:11 PM 258,023 [Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Fleming] Repurchase Agreements with Negative Interest Rates.pdf
17/04/2010 04:06 PM 396,074 [Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Kambhu] Trading Risk and Volatility in Interest Rate Swap Spreads.pdf
17/04/2010 04:12 PM 523,994 [Federal Reserve Bank of San Fransico, Poole] Using T-Bill Futures to Gauge Interest-Rate Expectations.pdf
17/04/2010 04:04 PM 2,531,361 [Federal Reserve Board, Gurkaynak] The US Treasury Yield Curve - 1961 to the Present.pdf
17/04/2010 03:57 PM 267,657 [Finance and Stochastics, Fusai] An Exact Analytical Soltion for Discrete Barrier Options.pdf
17/04/2010 04:09 PM 379,265 [FitchRatings] Asset-Backed Commercial Paper Explained.pdf
17/04/2010 03:53 PM 162,623 [FitchRatings] Credit Policy - 2006 European SF Outlook Chart.pdf
17/04/2010 04:16 PM 151,792 [FitchRatings] Hybrid Securities - An Emperical View.pdf
17/04/2010 04:06 PM 349,002 [FitchRatings] Rating Securitizations Above the Sovereign Ceiling.pdf
17/04/2010 03:58 PM 289,200 [FitchRatings] Structured Finance in Latin America's Domestic Markets.pdf
17/04/2010 03:30 PM 202,336 [FitchRatings] Synthetic Overview for CMBS Investors.pdf
17/04/2010 04:11 PM 299,477 [FitchRatings] UK Non-Conforming RMBS - Catching a Cold.pdf
17/04/2010 03:42 PM 76,497 [FOW, Smith] Adding a Floor to Equity Cliquets.pdf
17/04/2010 03:42 PM 257,001 [Frankfurt MathFinance Institute, Kuhn] Israeli Options as Composite Exotic Options.pdf
17/04/2010 04:10 PM 411,417 [Futures Magazine, Gould] Comparing Price, Volume & Open Interest.pdf
17/04/2010 04:04 PM 477,106 [Ganatra] Implementation of Variance Swaps in Dispersion Trading Strategies.pdf
17/04/2010 03:27 PM 221,261 [Glass] Fourier Transform Techniques in Stochastic Volatility BGM.pdf
17/04/2010 04:12 PM 283,561 [Glenwood Capital Investments] Variance Swaps and Non-Constant Vega.pdf
17/04/2010 03:56 PM 1,424,468 [Global Derivatives 2005, Dupire] Exploring Volatility Derivatives - New Advances in Modelling.pdf
17/04/2010 04:15 PM 2,101,720 [Goldman Sachs, Black] Fixed Income Research - Global Asset Allocation with Equities, Bonds, and Currencies.pdf
17/04/2010 04:04 PM 852,377 [Goldman Sachs] A Mortgage Product Primer.pdf
17/04/2010 04:01 PM 4,867,550 [Goldman Sachs] Alt-A Market - An Introduction.pdf
17/04/2010 03:56 PM 320,271 [Goldman Sachs] Dividends and Dividend Swaps.pdf
17/04/2010 04:11 PM 1,264,395 [Goldman Sachs] Fixed Income Research - The Investment Implications of an Inverted Yield Curve.pdf
17/04/2010 03:51 PM 127,568 [Goldman Sachs] Hedge Funds - Have You Missed the Boat.pdf
17/04/2010 03:56 PM 122,444 [Goldman Sachs] How to Value and Hedge Options on Foreign Indexes.pdf
17/04/2010 04:08 PM 600,511 [Goldman Sachs] Introduction to Mortgage-Backed Securities and Other Securitized Assets.pdf
17/04/2010 04:05 PM 261,089 [Goldman Sachs] Speculators, Index Investors, and Commodity Prices.pdf
17/04/2010 03:39 PM 311,916 [Goldman Sachs] Understanding US Economic Statistics.pdf
17/04/2010 04:09 PM 1,072,664 [Goldman Sachs] Valuing Convertible Bonds as Derivatives.pdf
17/04/2010 03:51 PM 550,900 [Goteborg University, Kjaer] On the Pricing of Cliquet Options with Global Floor and Cap.pdf
17/04/2010 03:50 PM 428,104 [Hagan] Credit Derivatives.pdf
17/04/2010 04:05 PM 750,765 [Harvard Business School, Donahue] Note On Commodity Futures.pdf
17/04/2010 04:01 PM 750,765 [Harvard Business School] Note on Commodity Futures.pdf
17/04/2010 04:13 PM 380,655 [Henrard] Bonds Futures and Their Options - More than the Cheapest-to-Deliver; Quality Option and Marginning.pdf
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